Monday, October 22, 2018

For The Roses - Joni Mitchell best albums #9

A slightly odd album in some ways, Roses sees Joni moving away from the folk roots and incorporating jazz themes for the first time. It's not a smooth transition as she was undergoing some turmoil in her private life at the time of recording - indeed the title track presaged her breaking from performing for twelve months:

Remember the days when you used to sit
And make up your tunes for love
And pour your simple sorrow
To the soundhole and your knee
And now you're seen
On giant screens
And at parties for the press
And for people who have slices of you
From the company
They toss around your latest golden egg
Speculation, well, who's to know
If the next one in the nest
Will glitter for them so

Side 1:

1.Banquet - 3:01

2.Cold Blue Steel and Sweet Fire - 4:17

3.Barangrill - 2:52

4.Lesson in Survival - 3:11

5.Let the Wind Carry Me - 3:56

Side 2:

6.For the Roses - 3:48

7.See You Sometime - 2:56

8.Electricity - 3:01

9.You Turn Me on I'm a Radio - 2:39

10.Blonde in the Bleachers - 2:42

11.Woman of Heart and Mind - 2:38

12.Judgement of the Moon and Stars (Ludwig's Tune) - 5:19


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